Science of social interactions @ work

pillars of work: comprehensive, collaborative, leadership in action

We believe in reciprocity, the richness of true diversity, inclusiveness and intergenerational learning.  We embrace humour, technology and circular economy

The art of managing emotions, managing information and leading people while managing time

Critical thinking & the concept of relevance

How do you nurture your brain? What do you eat, read and learn?  What criteria do you use to filter the information overload? We ask the relevant questions. Curiosity is key for building great relationships and finding new ways of working – more efficient and effective.

Emotional & Social Intelligence

Because we have a sociable brain. Based on latest research in neuroscience and following Daniel Goleman’s work: “Emotional intelligence is about a crucial set of human capacities within us, our emotions, our inner potential. Social intelligence is about social awareness and social facility”.

We don’t fix people but support people by asking the relevant questions. 

Work quality

Dedication and engagement to help you achieve the results you need, respecting deadlines, agendas and expectations. KEY: crystal clear communication and diligence in our relationship.

Confidentiality and discretion, offering a safe psychological environment for the people and organizations we work with.



Objectives and key results and key performance Indicators.  Part of the communication is to have a good framework to align and track any progress in the projects we are working on. Clients use different tools but we are flexible and happy to learn if we are not familiar with yours.

The metaphor of the ripple effect | Change starts with oneself

self-awareness & emotional intelligence | social awareness  & social intelligence

At home, at work, everywhere